Research Team

AIDE research is conducted by members of the Centre for Health, Law and Emerging Technologies (HeLEX) at the University of Oxford, and the research team of the Osaka University UNESCO Chair in Global Health and Education, Professor Beverley Yamamoto. Core members of the research team are listed below.


Jane Kaye

Professor of Health Law and Policy

Centre for Health, Law and Emerging Technologies (HeLEX),

University of Oxford

Nisha Shah

Lead Researcher, Oxford

Centre for Health, Law and Emerging Technologies (HeLEX),

University of Oxford

Sarah Coy

Programme Manager

Centre for Health, Law and Emerging Technologies (HeLEX),

University of Oxford

Nick Scott-Ram

Managing Director - Life Sciences

Sensyne Health


Kassim Javaid

Associate Professor

Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology

and Musculoskeletal Science,

University of Oxford



Beverley Yamamamoto

Beverley Anne Yamamoto


Department of Kyosei Studies, Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University

k kato re

Kazuto Kato


Department of Biomedical Ethics and Public Policy, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University

Atsushi Kogetsu

Atsushi Kogetsu

Assistant Professor

Department of Biomedical Ethics and Public Policy, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University


Amelia Katirai

Specially-Appointed Researcher

Department of Kyosei Studies, Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University


Seongeun Kang

Specially-Appointed Researcher

Department of Biomedical Ethics and Public Policy, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University


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