Advisory Boards

Advisory Boards have been established for AIDE research teams in the UK and Japan consisting of computing, clinical, public engagement, legal and policy experts as well as representatives from industry, patient groups and healthcare. The Boards provide feedback at regular intervals on the progress of research deliverables, provide input to theoretical development of our research, contribute to expert workshops, and advise on next steps/ dissemination opportunities. Additionally, the Boards help to identify stakeholder groups who may benefit from being involved in our research/ receiving research findings.


Jim Davies

Professor of Software Engineering

Big Data Institute, University of Oxford

Matthew Fenech

Medical Safety Lead

Ada Health

Sir Jonathon Montgomery

Professor of Health Law

University College London


Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (OUHFT)

Bartha Knoppers

Professor of Law and Medicine

Centre of Genomics and Policy, McGill University, Canada

Alistair Kent (OBE)

Founder and Ambassador

Genetic Alliance UK

Katherine Keats-Rohan

Public and Patient Involvement panellist

Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

