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Developing a network of healthcare professionals interested in the development and implementation of AI in Oxford
Advocating for the value of patient and public engagement in AI for health
AIDE is a research project that aims to understand the human factors that will help or hinder the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare; identify how stakeholders expect AI to change lives and impact healthcare experience; and determine how concerns might be resolved to promote acceptance and adoption of data-driven technologies. We are studying the perspectives of researchers, health care workers, members of the public, AI developers, and policy experts with the intention to create a sustainable platform to ensure stakeholder involvement in the future of AI implementation, development and use within healthcare.
Reserachers will identify where AI systems are being used/developed in healthcare settings in Oxford (UK) and Osaka (Japan) and consult with various stakeholders, including members of the public, to understand:
Knowledge and experience of AI, current and anticipated use in healthcare, and other valuable applications
How people learn about developments
Factors perceived to influence adoption/implementation
What safeguards, controls or types of engagement would inspire trust.
This will allow us to suggest mechanisms for a sustained dialogue on AI in healthcare.
Click here to read more about our research approach
This work is being led by researchers based at the University of Oxford in collaboration with colleagues at Osaka University. It is supported by UK Research and Innovation’s (UKRI) Fund for International Collaboration (FIC) in a joint UK-Japan initiative (Project Reference ES/T007214/1). In Japan the research is supported through the Institute of Science and Technology (JST) with the aim of "designing a sustainable platform with the involvement of citizens and experts to bring the benefits of AI in healthcare to all."
The project name "AIDE" is an abbreviated version of the English name of project "The Benefits of Ensuring AI in Healthcare for All: Designing a Sustainable Platform for Public and Professional Stakeholder Engagement". The acronym reflects our hope that the project will AID the Engagement of key stakeholders in the increased use of AI technologies in healthcare.
Take Part:
We are recruiting participants over the age of 18 who undertand and speak English fluently. You would be asked to join a focus group with 6-9 other people. Most focus groups will take place online using video conference software, but there will be an option to attend a face-to-face focus group if you prefer. Technical assistance will be available before and during online focus groups.
We wish to hear from a wide range of healthcare and allied health professionals who are currently practicing in health and do or do not have experience of AI in clinical practice. Participants will take part in a focus group of 7-10 individuals or an individual or paired interview, which will be held virtually using video conference software.
Please share details of the study with your networks and let us know if there is a particular group that you think we should contact.
We are inviting experts who are knowledgeable about AI technical development, AI uses in healthcare, or policy making in this area to participate our research by taking part in a virtual interview using video conference software.
Who we are:
Research is being conducted by members of the Centre for Health, Law and Emerging Technologies at the University of Oxford, and the research team of the Osaka University UNESCO Chair in Global Health and Education, Professor Beverley Yamamoto.
Meet the Team
The Project benefits from the input of experts in medicine, informatics, data governance, ethics and public policy through Advisory Boards in the UK and Japan.
Learn more
A PPIP has been created in each country to bring the insight of those with lived experience of healthcare into the design and implementation of our research.